
What is e-publishing?

e-publishing is the process of providing the readers with the books in the digital form mostly in PDF documents. The look and feel of the book is very similar to that of the regular hard copy. The e-book is light in file size which can be easily downloaded from the publisher’s site and read easily on a PC, laptop, tab or even a smartphone

What are the advantages of e-publishing?

There are many advantages of e-publishing namely…
(a) Cost effective: It involves very less cost as the lengthy complex printing process is eliminated.
(b) Eco friendly: With no paper involved this menthod is 100% ecofriendly.
(c) Fastest: This method is the fastest way of publishing a book. It takes approximately 3 days to publish an e-book if all the contents, graphics and inputs are collectively available.
(d) User-friendly: Having numerous dynamic features included, a reader can scroll down to any page to continue reading. Zoom-in and zoom-out facility helps the readers to read and navigate at their convenience.


  • Actual, forcible & violent entry and exit from the premise.
  • Holdup risk (in respect to contents of offices, warehouse, shops, etc.)
  • Cash in Safe.
  • Damage to premises.

What is an approximate cost of e-publishing a book?

It varies depending on the size, volume of work, dynamic features of animation, graphic images, photographs, editing and development work required. A quotation can be provided on analysing the e-book work structure.

How is a website important to any business?

Website is a program that is integrated with the internet system worldwide. It can be searched and read by customers across the world anytime.
This digital address offers huge scope of information, photographs, graphical representation, video links, live chat window, automatic message and email generated by system etc.many features. It can have the gallery and download section helping the users to seamlessly access the required information. It helps spreading awareness and builds credibility of the company. It works as a marketing tool to generate inquiries.

What is the role of digital marketing for any business?

In these modern times, almost every person uses a smartphone and has a social media presence. Digital media is spread in a vast form of messages, emails, websites, social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn etc. The open internet world wide web offers a big gateway to the ocean of knowledge, information, education, news, research and entertainment. Everything is easily accessible from the computer and the smartphone. Now, with millions of users on digital media, digital marketing becomes an important activity to market any business. It is flexible, cost effective, smart controllable, area specific, user specific as per age, education, likes, psychographics, sex, etc. This modern technology helps in reaching out to the users, in inquiry generation, identifying the preferences, aids in product enhancement and R&D also. Many platforms help users to navigate, select the best options, make the payment and get the delivery too.

What are mobile apps? How do they help businesses?

Mobile applications or mobile apps are smartphone software programs that are specifically programmed for the user's benefit. These simple tools make the desired tasks easier thereby increasing the efficiency. The program is fed with the preliminary user data and then the app works for giving the operational data by calculating-counting through the parameters. For example a fitness enthusiast may download the Pedometer app to count his daily walking steps, calories burnt, time utilizes, distance covered etc. Similarly there are many apps that are customised for the convenience of the users, increase the user experience, generate genuine data, develop a strong system for quality control etc.

Why is animation-motion graphics necessary?

Everyday we see a lot of exchange of data, information, images, photographs etc static means which have been there for quiet some time. It takes efforts to read, study and understand it.
The advanced versions have motion to it where the shapes, colours, shadows are moving. These are motion graphics. You might have noticed certain movie posters with flashing lights, fire and water flowing ...while rest of the images are still.
Further we have 2D animation used in schematic diagrams, illustrating the flat pictures in motion. The best examples are Walt Disney cartoons we enjoyed in our childhood.
The advanced 3D animation involves 3 Dimensional modelling, combined with lights, sound and the computer graphics to create a dynamic moving story. Many films like Avatar, Jurassic park have used 3 D animation effectively.
We also have the customized GIFF files used for replying or reacting in the conversation by having a small piece of film cut from a movie and is combined separately with messages giving it a very different message identity. The GIFF files are openly available and are used in education, motivation, fun, criticism and appreciation.


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